With thanks to Concha Lana, again, who always supplies me with interesting material. Click here to read the article and print the activities below to do the exercises.
As you read the article, match the following vocabulary with the most suitable translation:
1. Take sth / s.o by storm | a) Admisiblemente, por cierto |
2. Stand to attention | b) (Mil.) Cuadrarse |
3. Hastily | c) A toda prisa |
4. Admittedly, | d) Albergar pensamientos machistas |
5. Harbour machista thoughts | e) (Mil.) Asaltar / (fig.) Cautivar |
6. Aim | f) Apuntar |
7. Authoritative | g) Autorizadas, con autoridad |
8. Smock | h) Blusón pre-mamá/baby |
9. Sneer at | i) Burlarse de |
10. Command | j) Comandar |
11. Cabinet | k) Consejo de Ministros |
12. Convene | l) Convocar |
13. | m) Cumbre |
14. Fulfil | n) Cumplir |
15. They had better …keep them to themselves | o) Es mejor que se los guarden |
16. Stopover | p) Escala |
17. Stampede | q) Estampida |
18. Be delighted with | r) Estar encantado con |
19. Affect | s) Fingir |
20. Make some criticism | t) Hacer críticas |
21. Attempt | u) Intento |
22. Derision | v) Irrisión, risa |
23. Coupled with | w) Junto con |
24. Emergency measures | x) Medidas de emergencia |
25. Seamstresses | y) Modistillas |
26. Unaffected | z) Natural, sin fingimientos |
27. Appoint | aa) Nombrar |
28. Peacekeeping operations | bb) Operaciones de paz |
29. Review | cc) Pasar revista |
30. Chair | dd) Presidir |
31. Parched | ee) Secas |
32. Loose | ff) Suelto, holgado |
33. Radio discussion | gg) Tertulia |
34. Panel | hh) Tertulia (grupo de tertulianos) |
35. Transfer | ii) Trasbordo |
36. Notoriously | jj) Tristemente célebre |
Now answer the following questions:
- Why is Chacón’s trip controversial?
- What do you think of the fact that the cabinet is mostly female?
- What’s ABC’s position with respect to Zapatero’s appointments? What do you think about it?
- What is Elizabeth Nash’s opinion about the whole thing?
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