Hi, there, everyone. This is my first blog. I'm not sure yet what to do with it, but it will come to me, don't worry. Ok, what I would really like to do is to use it as a tool to communicate with my students. Maybe tell you what we are doing in class, exam dates, interesting links and documents...See how it goes. Oh, yes, and also tell you that I'm well on the road to recovery - as you know I've been taken ill with pharyngitis- and I'll be "back on the saddle" next Monday (Feb. 25th) - so normal class then. Cheerio.
Congratulations, Mª Jesús, your blog looks brilliant!
I’ll really enjoy learning with it. I believe that blogs could be an excellent tool in order to improve our language skills.
Thank you J.Ig. It is very encouraging to read your comments. And your English is superb!
Congratulations for your blog, it will be very useful for us, sure!
I dont stand chips of english, but i am to the parrot in your blog
One of the most rewarding moments in life is when you have to struggle for somenthing and you feel so useless! but then you see you can! (That's the main thing teachers should be there for!!)
Mª Jesús knows what I'm talking about... Don't you? Thanks!
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